Supporting aspiring first-generation college students, like Tom
Supporting aspiring first-generation college students, like Tom
Dr. Braciale impacted many during his 32-year career at the University of Virginia (UVA)
Please help us continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of future UVA students with the
Thomas J. Braciale Bicentennial Scholars Fund and ensure Tom’s legacy endures for generations to come.
How we will use your tax-deductible donation
To establish the Bicentennial Scholars Fund at the University of Virginia
The University of Virginia will match all donations we receive
Will be distributed as an annual scholarship for first-generation students in perpetuity
Please share with your network and help us reach our goal
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Tom and his "peep"s celebrating his time as
Director of Carter Immunology Center!
We will miss him terribly.
-Darlene LaRosa
Tom loved travel, new places, new foods and people! We loved teaching and learning and these trips were wonderful ways to share that passion.
-Leigh Grossman
Tom was so much more than just a scientific colleague and collaborator.
He was my opera buddy for 20 years...
-Larry Borish
Learn more about Tom through the memories captured from family, friends, and colleagues
Tom and his "peep"s celebrating his time as Director of Carter Immunology Center! We will miss him terribly.
Semester at Sea and beyond. Tom loved travel, new places, new foods and people!
Tom was so much more than just a scientific colleague and collaborator. He was my opera buddy after for 20 years
We will
Email: [email protected]